Head there and go to the left side of the church to find where X marks the spot. Look familiar? It should because that is Sleepy Hollow. Tablet 20 – the X-shaped grouping of rooms to the right on the Basement map, find one on the bathroom sink in the bottom left room.Īfter you have discovered all of these tablets, you will get “Tablet Document Final” which is a picture of a covered bridge and a church.Tablet 19 – Lv 3 door to the right of Research Floor elevator, on the floor near a gray circular rug Tablet 18 – Far end of the Lobby, to the left before you head down the stairs.Tablet 17 – When you come to the crossroads in the Basement, go up and its in the corner where you make a left.Tablet 16 – Lv 3 door to the left of the Research Floor elevator, next to the printer on the far wall workspace.Tablet 15 – in the corner to the right of CCO’s Office behind a little thingy.Tablet 14 – Bottom left of Research Floor, on sink in mens room.Tablet 13 – Right side of lobby next to the lounge chairs past the security room (Parallel to Tablet 7).

Tablet 12 – On a chair in the rectangular room to the left of Research Floor Elevator.Tablet 11 – Basement floor, behind the large cylindrical server where you uploaded the video of Shays memories to the Assassin Network.Tablet 10 – outside the elevator in the Lobby.Tablet 9 – inside the Lv 3 door on the right at the far end of the lobby, under the computer screen (same one I referenced above in Computer Server section).Tablet 8 – Animus Work Station on left side of Research Floor.Tablet 7 – left side of lobby behind the lounge chairs (Parallel to Tablet 13).Tablet 6 – CCO’s balcony to the far left.Tablet 5 – Lv 2 room to the right of the Research Floor elevator, on a white couch in a reddish rectangular booth.Tablet 4 – right side of Research Floor map walking towards security door (where camera icon is).Tablet 3 – on the couch in Berg’s office at bottom of Research Floor Map.Its to the bottom right of that square room by some tools Tablet 2 – CCO’s floor, go to the Lv 2 Room you had a mission objective in.Tablet 1 – between the elevator & front desk of Research Floor.Here is the full list of Tablets to find as well as their locations. Though it’s important to note that some Tablet will not only hidden behind Restricted Access doors but also be harder to see early on in the game due to the power outages. So pick them up and see what you can learn like the nosy little recruit you are. In all the chaos of the hacking, many employees left their tablets lying around. So check out their video below and if you were wondering about the Level 3 puzzle I mentioned above, that can be found at 18:17 in the video. That just made no sense right? Yah, this is almost impossible to explain without picture but luckily First Try Gaming has an excellent video that illustrates every solution – something other tutorials and guides have not done. Each has one possible combination within its own axis, so all you have to do is determine how the X and Y intersect. What’s important to remember here is that the entire X and Y axis rings must stay constant. Almost everyone is finding this one nearly impossible or getting lucky. The hardest of which is at the end of the Lobby on the right side (Level 3 access needed). Many of these puzzles are straight forward, others not so much. Repairing The Computer Servers – Tips & Video Guide: Here are some tips for solving those server/computer puzzles as well as a list of ALL the Tablet locations – in numerical order.

With the company hacked and mostly evacuated, it’s up to you to restore power and solve some puzzles along the way. Following the path of AC: Black Flag, Rogue’s present day takes place a little while after that of Black Flag where you once again are a test subject for Abstergo Entertainment. Computer Puzzle Solution for far end of the lobby (right side)Īs with any Assassin’s Creed game, there is always the present day component.