Postal 4 noclip
Postal 4 noclip

So of course, as Civvie notices there's no Ripley, Hicks is alive again somehow, the Pulse Rifle is nowhere near chambered properly like it was in the film, LV-426 somehow still being intact despite basically being nuked to hell in the film.

  • The game is a canonical sequel to Aliens as declared by Fox and Randy.
  • Considering allegations that Gearbox outright embezzeled the money Sega gave them for this game to work on Borderlands 2, Civvie might not be so wrong. Which might have been a work ethic carried over to ACM, with Randy leaving too early to work on Borderlands. As in Randy started work on basically all of his maps before someone else finished them up. And to think it all started from when Randy was simply a mapper for Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior.
  • It was this review that cemented Civvie's longstanding hatred of Randy, with all the lies and defenses and claims that this game was just a "seven, seven and a half".
  • postal 4 noclip

    Predator is a case of some liking it in the same way that some people "just can't fuckin' survive on this planet without a dick in their eye", Prometheus is a case of stupid with delusions of grandeur and Alien: Covenant was the funniest movie of its year. Maybe the Assembly cut of Alien³, definitely not Alien: Resurrection, Alien vs.

    postal 4 noclip postal 4 noclip

    He also loves only two of the Alien movies.Specifically the story surrounding it and how it took ages before No Man's Sky took its crown as the king of false advertising and fatal hype. The review of Aliens: Colonial Marines starts with a bunch of Gearbox hype snippets from Randy and the gang played over the Aliens intro.and to emphasize how BS they were, the title is edited to simply say "LIES".

    Postal 4 noclip